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Anna Dean
Jan 02, 2020
In Policy Debate
Anna Dean
Jan 02, 2020
In Lincoln-Douglas Debate
NEG Ideas: Topicality will likely be a common strategy against plan affs. Similar to the fossil fuels topic, one point of contestation will be over the word ‘eliminate.’ Against affs that advocate states only get rid of part of their nuclear arsenals, debaters will likely argue that these affs are not topical because ‘eliminate’ denotes getting rid of something entirely. When debating affs that only mandate one state gets rid of its nuclear arsenals, debaters can argue that because the word ‘states’ is plural, topical affs must defend that multiple states eliminate their nuclear arsenals. Similarly, against affs that fiat multiple states eliminate their nuclear arsenals (but not that all states eliminate their nuclear arsenals), some debaters may make claims about why plans are bad and why affirmatives should defend the entire resolution. There is also a lot of critical ground on this topic. Against affirmatives that argue only certain ‘dangerous’ states such as North Korea, India, or Pakistan, eliminate their nuclear weapons, people may read colonialism kritiks, which argue that the framing of certain countries as deserving and responsible enough to possess nuclear weapons in opposition to the framing of other countries as undeserving and dangerous is colonialist and mirrors the self-serving, Western-centric logic of many colonial/western leaders and scholars. Some debaters may also read criticisms of the aff’s focus on incremental reform as a solution to violence because simply getting rid of one type of weapon will not change the militaristic nature of the international order. In terms of policy strategies, one popular route will be simply to argue that nuclear weapons make the world a safer place. Some people argue that nuclear weapons decrease the likelihood that countries engage in conflict of any kind by acting as a meaningful deterrent. People may also read hegemony disadvantages, which address the important role of nuclear weapons in maintaining US hegemony because despite the fact that there may be some ways in which the US lags behind other countries militarily (i.e. the number of people enrolled in the military), it is still able to maintain military supremacy through advanced nuclear technology. Thus, eliminating nuclear weapons would undermine US military supremacy by providing an advantage to China, which has the most active military personnel in the world. These disads could also be coupled with advantage counterplans that take precautions to make nuclear weapons safer or decrease the number of nuclear weapons. Another option is to read a PIC (plan inclusive counterplan) against AFFs that defend the entirety of the resolution. These strategies must have a reason for why specific countries need nuclear weapons. Fem Ideas: In terms of fem affs, one option is to argue that nuclear weapons are symbolic of militaristic masculinity because they’re connoted with strength, aggression, and dominance. Thus, many feminist international relations scholars argue for nuclear disarmament as an important tool to building a better, less patriarchical world. For debaters who want to read feminist criticisms on the negative, they will likely have to criticize the representations of affirmatives as opposed to the plans itself. Many of the generic kritik arguments described above can also be applied to a feminism kritik. Additionally, debaters may criticize the representation of war as a singular event that can be prevented by a specific policy and instead advocate for a more inclusive view of war that considers things like structural violence as an ongoing wars against marginalized populations. {FROM GIRLS DEBATE}
Anna Dean
Jan 02, 2020
In Policy Debate
Here is a great file for SetCol!
Anna Dean
Jan 02, 2020
In Speaking Events
This is my AMAZING friend Rachel at NSDA Nationals in 2019! This speech won Third Place and is a great one for newbies to watch! Rachel is truly a #LOUDwoman !! VIDEO
Anna Dean
Jan 02, 2020
In Speaking Events
I have been doing Extemp since my Freshman Year of High School! I started off doing United States Extemp and transitioned to International because I enjoy the topics of international more! I have been doing this event for over 4 years and these are the steps I usually take and would recommend you take as well! WHAT IS EXTEMP: There are two types of Extemporaneous Speaking: First, United States or Domestic, which is in relation to current events in the United States. For example; The Trump Administration, 2020 Elections, etc. Second, International, which is in relation to International policies and practices. For example; US-Iran Proxy War, Issues in Hong Kong, Isreal-Palestine Conflict, etc. Based on which Extemp you're doing you will walk into a room known as "Extemp Draw". Here you will pick 3 topics (paper slips out of a bag) and choose a topic. HOW TO CHOOSE A TOPIC: I recommend you always go with your gut. When choosing a topic you will immediately know which one you have more knowledge on. THAT IS THE TOPIC YOU CHOOSE! Some might tell you to pick a topic that you can make the best intro or jokes for... NO. Pick the topic you can talk the most about... ALWAYS! Once you choose your topic you will have 30 minutes after drawing to prepare a speech. Remember you CANNOT read off of anything while giving your 7-minute speech:) HOW TO GIVE AN EXTEMP SPEECH: 1. HAVE A FUNNY INTRODUCTION THAT GETS AUDIENCE INVESTED INTO YOUR SPEECH: -This intro can be a metaphor, joke or story IN RELATION TO YOUR TOPIC! (You can and should prepare the basis of this before the tournament even begins! ) -TRY TO HAVE ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE IN YOUR INTRO WITH CITATION (I LIKE TO USE A STATISTIC) - YOU NEED TO STATE YOUR 3 POINTS in the Intro! ** THINK OF AN EXTEMP SPEECH LIKE A INFORMATIVE ESSAY** YOUR INTRO SHOULD HAVE A HOOK, AND A THESIS (or 3 main points stated in the intro to answer the question ) Remember to ask the question of the topic in your intro! I like to ask like this: "Thus, we must ask the question: {INSERT QUESTION HERE}" 2. 3 MAIN POINTS FORMATTED IN A WAY YOU LIKE ** I gave ideas of formatting above ** REMINDER: YOU SHOULD HAVE ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE IN EACH POINT WITH A CITATION AND AUTHORS NAME. For example: "According to Dr. John Smith of Harvard University in a study, just 2 days ago, many Americans are feeling the destructive consequences of the opioid epidemic. Approximately, 2 million according to Dr. Smith." {If you have 3 citations in your main points and 1 citation in your intro, this will truly set you apart from other speakers because of your large amount of evidence !} 3. A STRONG CONCLUSION TIED BACK TO INTRODUCTION ANALOGY/ HOOK: Your Conclusion should tie back to your intro. If your hook was a story of you in kindergarten your Conclusion should also be in reference to this story. Remember to restate your answer and reasons for that answer in the conclusion as well. 4. AIM FOR A SPEECH OF 7 MINUTES AND 15 SECONDS. It's hard for many extempers, especially in Arkansas, to speak for above 7 minutes. This will again set you apart from your competition. On the other side, NSDA rules state that if you speak above 7minutes and 30 seconds you cannot receive First Place!! 7:15 IS PERFECT TIMING! 5. SPEAK CONFIDENTLY AND BOLDLY! MAKE SURE YOUR RATE AND VOLUME ARE AT A GOOD LEVEL! I HAVE NO DOUBT YOU CAN DO AMAZING! GO #LOUDwomen ! 6. MOVE IN A TRIANGLE FORMATION (Pyramid Form) If you aren't aware of what this is watch any "NSDA National Extemp Video" to see the formation! HOW TO PREPARE AT TOURNAMENT: ITEMS YOU WILL NEED TO PREP: -COMPUTER (or printed out articles) -Pens -Notebook or Legal Pad 1. HAVE A FORMAT OF HOW TO SET YOUR SPEECH UP// USE THIS FORMAT TO FORMAT YOU LEGAL PAD PAPER: I have a: -Introduction Section -Point 1 -Point 2 -Point 3 -Conclusion Section (If it helps think of the organization as a basic Informative Essay answering a Prompt [EXTEMP TOPIC/ QUESTION]) 2. WRITE BULLET POINTS ON HOW TO GIVE INTRO LIKE: - A Funny Intro/Hook - A piece of evidence and citation of evidence - A PREVIEW of your 3 Body Points (Thesis if you were writing an essay lol) 3. MAKE 3 BODY POINTS WITH A PIECE OF EVIDENCE IN EACH: **ways to organize 3 points** - (BEST WAY) 3 Answers to the Question of Topic - 3 STEP 1. What is the Topic? 2. What is the topic doing on a Micro and Macro level scale? (Could be the 2nd and 3rd point if you want) 3. What is Solution to the Topic? 4. TIE EVERYTHING BACK TO THE TOPIC AND INTRO IN THE CONCLUSION Your Conclusion should tie back to your intro. If your hook was a story of you in kindergarten your Conclusion should also be in reference to this story. Remember to restate your answer and reasons for that answer in the conclusion as well. ** YOU SHOULD SPEND 15 MINUTES MAX PREPARING YOUR SPEECH** (I use 10 minutes) If 15 seems like too little time to you that is a SIGN you need to practice preparing speeches before the tournament begins! This is because you want to rehearse the speech at least 2 times which can only be done if you have 15 minutes left to practice! HOW TO PREPARE BEFORE TOURNAMENT: 1. RESEARCH, READ & LISTEN: One of the biggest things you must do to be successful in Extemp is to KNOW current events like the back of your hand! I listen to podcasts (NPR Daily Pods are my favorite! They are only 10mins a day and I listen to them on my way to school), watch the News (watch different channels to truly understand the topics), and read articles based off of your topic list. ** "What is a topic list?" you might ask. ** Topic list for the tournament you are attending should be posted on Tabroom or Speech Wire a couple of weeks before the tournament. You should go to the list for either "United States" or "International". Copy and Paste the topic list into a document. Then you should find a system of organization to Prep for each topic! Here are some of my recommendations of ORGANIZATION FORMATS: (PS: I attend tournaments where NSDA rules of internet are allowed. So my advice is based on the idea that the internet is allowed. If the internet is not allowed at your tournament you can simply make sure your files are downloaded to your computer) 2. ORGANIZE YOUR RESEARCH: A. DOCUMENT: This is the least organizational and I would only do this if you have Internet access. You can simply copy the topic list, bold the list. Then, research and read articles on each topic and just copy the link for the website of the article. Then at a tournament, you can look at each topic and easily accesses those articles. B. GOOGLE DRIVE/ DROPBOX: (dropbox is best to use if you're sharing resources with teammates) You should create a file for each topic. Then, download articles and put them into each file. This way resources are downloaded by file. C. PREPd Prepd is a website/application that has quality articles already downloaded. You simply type in a keyword or phrase and quality articles will pop up! PREPd cost money and I have only used it for NSDA nationals since it costs money. But, if your team has the resources I highly recommend you buy a subscription for your team. Furthermore, you can download these quality files into a Dropbox file or google drive. Many extempers on the national circuit use this application. Hence, Socio-economic division in speech and debate once again :( 3. PREPARE JOKES/ INTROS: The best extempers are quality comedians. These extempers have high-quality introductions and jokes for each topic prepared. Extemp is seen as one of the hardest events because of the lack of prep time. BUT you can prepare high-quality jokes and introductions related to each topic before the tournament even begins! 4. PRACTICE SPEECHES: The best extempers give numerous practice speeches on a vast number of topics to be truly prepared for the tournament. If you walk into a tournament and have no prior experience prepping or speaking on the topics you will not do well :( I recommend you give at least 5 practice speeches prior to a tournament! If you have teammates, friends, family members or coaches to watch your speeches and give you critiques that's even better. I could even give you critiques if you email me a video of your speech LOL! Email: Extemp is one, if not the most, anxiety-inducing Speech events. But, don't let this hold you back from doing it! Once you practice and truly know the content of current events, YOU can be very successful! Extemp is (in my opinion) the most rewarding event because it teaches you how to speak intelligently on your feet! I wish you the best in your future endeavors in Extemp and am always open to questions! Email me:
Anna Dean
Jan 02, 2020
In Speaking Events
Speech Events: Informative: This is a 10 minute speech that has an introduction, 3 main points, and a conclusion. It is just like writing an essay for an English class. You are allowed to write about anything you want, as long as you make sure to cite a few sources throughout your speech. For this event, you also get to use visual aids to enhance your speech. Generally, people use poster boards on a stand as visuals. Oratory: This event is very similar to Informative Speaking. It is a 10 minute original speech that has an introduction, 3 main points, and a conclusion. The main purpose of this event is to persuade your audience, so pick your topic accordingly. There are no visual aids in this event and your speech must be completely memorized. Other than these basics, there are no other guidelines to follow and you have a lot of freedom to be as creative as possible with your speeches. Extemporaneous: For this event, you get your speech topic 30 minutes before you have to give a speech. The topic area varies, but is usually about current events. It is super important to stay up to date with news if you are interested in this event! Once you have your topic (which you draw out of a hat), you have 30 minutes to prepare a 5-7 minute long speech. You may use the Internet during this prep time. You cannot have notes during your speech, so this event will teach you how to speak on your feet! Impromptu: Impromptu is similar to Extemporaneous except there is less prep time. Impromptu topics are not generally related to current events and are very broad. The whole event is 7 minutes long. You will enter your competition room and draw a topic. Once you have your topic, the 7 minute timer starts. It is recommended that you take about 2 minutes to plan your speech in your head. When you're ready, you will give your speech until the 7 minute timer goes off (about a 5 minute speech).

Anna Dean

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